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An implementation of Chung’s linear time algorithm for solution of the Maximum Density Segment Problem with additional features, namely simultaneous identification of Minimum Density Segments and consideration of content constraints

Given a sequence \(S\) of \(n\) numerical pairs \((a_i,w_i)\) with values \(a_i\) and widths \(w_i >0\) for \(i \in {1,...,n}\) the width of a consecutive subsequence \(S(i,j)\) of \(S\) with \(1 \leq i \leq j \leq n\) is given by

\[w(i,j) = \sum_{k=i}^j w_k\]

and its density is given by

\[d(i,j) = \frac{\sum_{k=i}^j a_k}{w(i,j)}.\]

The Maximum Density Segment Problem (MDSP) comprises the identification of a consecutive subsequence \(S(i^*,j^*)\) with largest possible density, i.e. the Maximum Density Segment.

Chung & Lu [1] presented a linear time algorithm for solution of the MDSP with arbitrary width contraints \(w_{min}\) and \(w_{max}\), s.t. \(w_{min} \leq w(i^*,j^*) \leq w_{max}\). Their algorithm returns for each possible stop index \(j'\) of possible subsequences \(S(i',j')\) a corresponding start index \(i_{j'}\), s.t. \(i_{j^*}=i^*\).

ChungPy is an implementation of Chung & Lu’s algorithm including the ability of additional consideration of content constraints \(c_{min}\) and \(c_{max}\), s.t. \(c_{min} \leq j^*-i^*+1 \leq c_{max}\). Furthermore, ChungPy allows for computation of Minimum Density Segments, i.e. the identification of a consecutive subsequence \(S(i^{**},j^{**})\) with smallest possible density.

ChungPy is hosted at https://bitbucket.org/corinnaernst/chungpy.

[1]K.-M. Chung and H.-I. Lu. An optimal algorithm for the maximum-density segment problem. SIAM Journal on Computing, 34(2), 2005.


Chunpy: How-to

Use module chungpy.mdsp for computation of Maximum Density Segments exclusively.

Input persists of at least value vector a and width vector w which can be of type list or numpy array.

Note, that a and w have to be of identical length and all elements of w have to be greater than 0.

The corresponding MDSP is solved in concurrence with the instantiation of the problem instance.

import chungpy

m=chungpy.mdsp([1,-5,12,7,-12], [2,14,3,7,6])

yields the following output

# Overview
a = [1.0, -5.0, 12.0, 7.0, -12.0]
w = [2.0, 14.0, 3.0, 7.0, 6.0]
length = 5
min/max content = 1,5
min/max width = 1,inf

# Maximum Density Segment per Position
1 -> 1, c=1, w=2.0, d=0.5
1 -> 2, c=2, w=16.0, d=-0.25
3 -> 3, c=1, w=3.0, d=4.0
3 -> 4, c=2, w=10.0, d=1.9
3 -> 5, c=3, w=16.0, d=0.4375

# Maximum Density Segment(s)
3 -> 3, c=1, w=3.0, d=4.0

Define width constraints \(w_{min}\) and \(w_{max}\) via attributes min_width and max_width and content constraints \(c_{min}\) and \(c_{max}\) via attributes min_cont and max_cont.

m=chungpy.mdsp([1,-5,12,7,-12], [2,14,3,7,6], max_width=20, min_cont=2)

yields the following output

# Overview
a = [1.0, -5.0, 12.0, 7.0, -12.0]
w = [2.0, 14.0, 3.0, 7.0, 6.0]
length = 5
min/max content = 2,5
min/max width = 1,20

# Maximum Density Segment per Position
1 -> 2, c=2, w=16.0, d=-0.25
1 -> 3, c=3, w=19.0, d=0.42105263157894735
3 -> 4, c=2, w=10.0, d=1.9
3 -> 5, c=3, w=16.0, d=0.4375

# Maximum Density Segment(s)
3 -> 4, c=2, w=10.0, d=1.9

The set of stop indices of maximum density segments can be accessed via attribute result_inds and the corresponding maximum density can be accessed via max_dens.

Local maximum density segments, i.e. start indices of the shortest segments with highest possible density stopping at each posssible stop index \(j'\) can be accessed via attribute result_inds of type dict. Of course, the keys in result_inds does only contain stop indices of segments fullfilling the given width and content constraints.

Width and density of arbitrary segments of the given problem instance can be computed via methods width and density. Note, that start and stop indices are 1-based and stop index \(j\) is inclusively.

The following code snippet returns the densities of all local maximum density segments of MDSP instance m:

[m.dens(m.result_inds[j],j) for j in m.result_inds]

Use module chungpy.mmdsp for simultaneous computation of Maximum and Minimum Density Segments.

import chungpy

m=chungpy.mmdsp([1,-5,12,7,-12], [2,14,3,7,6])

yields the following output

# Overview
a = [1.0, -5.0, 12.0, 7.0, -12.0]
w = [2.0, 14.0, 3.0, 7.0, 6.0]
length = 5
min/max content = 2,5
min/max width = 1,20

# Maximum Density Segment per Position
1 -> 2, c=2, w=16.0, d=-0.25
1 -> 3, c=3, w=19.0, d=0.42105263157894735
3 -> 4, c=2, w=10.0, d=1.9
3 -> 5, c=3, w=16.0, d=0.4375

# Maximum Density Segment(s)
3 -> 4, c=2, w=10.0, d=1.9

# Minimum Density Segment per Position
1 -> 2, c=2, w=16.0, d=-0.25
2 -> 3, c=2, w=17.0, d=0.4117647058823529
3 -> 4, c=2, w=10.0, d=1.9
4 -> 5, c=2, w=13.0, d=-0.38461538461538464

# Minimum Density Segment(s)
4 -> 5, c=2, w=13.0, d=-0.38461538461538464

The set of stop indices of minimum density segments can be accessed via attribute min_result_inds and the corresponding minimum density can be accessed via min_dens.

Local minimum density segments, i.e. start indices of the shortest segments with lowest possible density stopping at each posssible stop index \(j'\) can be accessed via attribute min_result_inds of type dict.

Chunpy API Documentation

class chungpy.mdsp.mdsp(vals, widths, min_width=None, max_width=None, min_cont=None, max_cont=None)

Maximum Density Segment Problem Instance

Initiation of problem instance with concurrent solution of the corresponding Maximum Density Segment Problem

  • vals (list of numerical values) – list of values
  • widths (list of numerical values) – list of width values
  • min_width (numerical) – minimum width of maximum density segments (default 1)
  • max_width (numerical) – maximum width of maximum density segments (default sum(widths))
  • min_cont (int) – minimum content, i.e. length, of maximum density segments (default 1)
  • max_cont (int) – maximum content, i.e. length, of maximum density segments (default len(vals))

list of numerical values

list of values


list of numerical values

list of width values



length of vals, i.e. length of widths



minimum width of maximum density segments (default 1)



maximum width of maximum density segments (default sum(widths))



minimum content, i.e. length, of maximum density segments (default 1)



maximum content, i.e. length, of maximum density segments (default len(vals))


dict of ints

mapping of stop indices to the corresponding start index of the corresponding maximum density segment



density of the overall maximum density segment



stop positions of all overall maximum density segments

dens(start, stop)

Return the density of segment with given constraints.

  • start (int) – index of segment’s start position (1-based)
  • stop (int) – index of segments’s stop position (1-based)

density – density of segment from start to (inclusively) stop

Return type:


width(start, stop)

Return the width of segment with given constraints.

  • start (int) – index of segment’s start position (1-based)
  • stop (int) – index of segments’s stop position (1-based)

width – width of segment from start to (inclusively) stop

Return type:

int or float

class chungpy.mmdsp.mmdsp(vals, widths, min_width=None, max_width=None, min_cont=None, max_cont=None)

Maximum and Minimum Density Segment Problem Instance

Initiation of problem instance with concurrent solution of the corresponding Maximum AND Minimum Density Segment Problem

  • vals (list of numerical values) – list of values
  • widths (list of numerical values) – list of width values
  • min_width (numerical) – minimum width of maximum density segments (default 1)
  • max_width (numerical) – maximum width of maximum density segments (default sum(widths))
  • min_cont (int) – minimum content, i.e. length, of maximum density segments (default 1)
  • max_cont (int) – maximum content, i.e. length, of maximum density segments (default len(vals))

list of numerical values

list of values


list of numerical values

list of width values



length of vals, i.e. length of widths



minimum width of maximum density segments (default 1)



maximum width of maximum density segments (default sum(widths))



minimum content, i.e. length, of maximum density segments (default 1)



maximum content, i.e. length, of maximum density segments (default len(vals))


dict of ints

mapping of stop indices to the corresponding start index of the corresponding maximum density segment



density of the overall maximum density segment



stop positions of all overall maximum density segments


dict of ints

mapping of stop indices to the corresponding start index of the corresponding minimum density segment



density of the overall minimum density segment



stop positions of all overall minimum density segments

Indices and tables